“Quilting With Vintage Linens” Narrated PowerPoint Presentation

I have created a narrated 50-ish minute PowerPoint Presentation titled “Quilting With Vintage Linens” now available to your local quilt guild(s) at no cost. Here are the details:

1. While you will not own the presentation, you are free to show/broadcast it as many times as you wish.

2. You may shorten the presentation but you may not add anything whatsoever.

3. It is free so all you have to do is have either your guild president or program chair email me.

4. You or a guild board member must have the app Dropbox so I can share this 127MB file with you.

5. I created this to use Zoom for broadcast but I’m sure there are many other ways it could be viewed.

6. And finally, you may not profit in any manner from the showing of this presentation.

As these times of COVID are hard on us all, this is my “give-back” to Quilters everywhere who are really missing their Guild meetings.
Let me know if I’ve covered all the bases 🙂❤️🙂


gentle reminder: This is not a virtual or a live presentation that needs to be scheduled. This is a prepared in advance narrated self advancing presentation 67 slides in length.

Blessings to all and Happy Quilting,


17 thoughts on ““Quilting With Vintage Linens” Narrated PowerPoint Presentation

  1. I would be very interested in showing this to our guild. We are meeting in small groups weekly instead of our monthly meeting. Thank you so much for your generosity.

    Jan Copeland


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    1. Well I would be so glad to send it to you! I will need for either the president or the program chair of your guild to send an email to me and then I can instruct an email to be sent back giving them the link to Dropbox. Just so you’ll know there is only one email allowed Dropbox access.
      Send the request to include the guild officers title and the guild name and I will get that link sent as soon as possible.


  2. Hi Rhonda, Our quilt guild, Illawarra Quilters, Australia wrote asking for permission to use your “Quilting with Vintage Linens” presentation.

    However we find the file far to large to be downloaded to an “ordinary” computer or tablet.

    I am so looking forward to seeing what you are doing. So would it be possible to break the presentation into, say 5 chapters and send each chapter separately???

    Then we can show and share with members.

    Thanks Rhonda Roslyn Lambert…….fanatical doily collector !!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Rhonda, so you’re saying the 126MB file is too large to be downloaded? I’m wondering if you might be meaning the file is too large to be emailed? I had no problem with this file on my tablet or my computer and I know a few people that downloaded and viewed it on their cell phones, although many had difficulty with the audio on their cell phones… Another question: how are you planning to have your members view the presentation? It was created to be viewed via Zoom using Microsoft PowerPoint.
      Get back to me and let me know about these questions and we will find a solution for you that maybe will not require me to redo the entire presentation 🙂


  3. Thank you so much for preparing your presentation for guilds to show. I am a member of Minnesota Quilters Guild and was so excited when I found out we would be able to view it. That happened for me last night and I throughly enjoyed seeing your pieces and hearing about them. I have followed your blog for awhile so I have seen some of them before but to hear you talk about them was such a treat. I am so inspired to create with the boxes of linens I have collected. I am a beader also so there is that stash too. Beautiful, just beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow – thank you so much. Our guild had planned a vintage linens presentation this Spring but of course that didn’t happen. This will be a great substitute when the guild meets again.

    Susan B.
    VP – Programs
    Northern Neck Piecemakers Quilt Guild

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  5. How do I view your ppt without using dropbox? I installed it but dont know how to use it. Can you just attach in email? Looking forward to seeing it.

    Gayle Marshall

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So Dropbox just serves as a means for me to make a 127MB file available to be downloaded. The presentation was created using Microsoft PowerPoint so the viewer must be able to use this software to view the slideshow.


  6. I was so excited to see that you have put this presentation together. I have a collection of pieces from my grandmothers that I have not really known what to do with. Unfortunately I do not belong to a quilt guild. If you could let me know if any guilds in the Dallas/Fort Worth area request your presentation, I would really appreciate it so I could join them. I found your 5-6 blog posts on this topic and that may be enough to get me started.

    I have several cross stitched tablecloths from one of my grandmothers. The problem is that her color choices are absolutely nothing I would ever put together. I think I will use these to make pillows or something frameable for my cousins and their daughters and granddaughters before I try to put a quilt together. On these cross stitched tablecloths, there are no separate motifs. It’s pretty much a border that’s connected all the way around or a rectangular centerpiece so I will have to cut into the embroidery. Would you back it with a fusible and serge the edges to keep the stitches from coming loose?

    The pieces from my other grandmother will be much easier to incorporate. These are tatted, embroidered and crocheted pieces, including pillowcases, doillies, dresser scarves and antimacassars.

    This has been a difficult time for my senior quilt group. We have really missed our twice weekly hand quilting sessions.

    Sincerely – Bernadette Webre

    Sent from my iPhone Bernie Webre


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  7. Thank you, Rhonda. Will forward your email to the presIdent of my quilt guild and also to my longarm guild president. Nancy, Naperville, IL

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